速報APP / 工具 / Mailto Interceptor

Mailto Interceptor



檔案大小:288.3 KB


版本需求:OS X 10.9 或以上版本,64 位元處理器

Mailto Interceptor(圖1)-速報App

Have you ever experienced the unintended launching of an email application by clicking mailto: links in web browsers? Usually, when you click mailto: links in web browsers, even if it is unintentional, an email application launches immediately.

By using Mailto Interceptor, you can select the following behaviors for the click of mailto: links:

- Ignore mailto: links

- Copy email address (with Option key, you can copy mailto: URL)

- Open URL in web browser (e.g. Composing view of web mails)

- Pop up a menu for selecting the behaviors described above and launching of the specified email application

Mailto Interceptor is not resident application. By setting Mailto Interceptor as default email application for the click of mailto: links, it launches without appearing and bouncing dock icon, does preferred behavior and quits automatically.

Other than the click of mailto: links in web browsers, Mailto Interceptor is launched also from share menu, Contacts application and so on.


1. Launch Mailto Interceptor.app

3. If Mailto Interceptor is not set as default email application, a setting sheet is shown. Set Mailto Interceptor as default email application.

3. Choose preferred behavior from "Behavior" pop up menu

4. Quit Mailto Interceptor.app

By doing initial setting above, Mailto Interceptor reacts mailto: links and so on.